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Chirodontics® is a multi-disciplinary healthcare model and series of courses for health care providers created by Robert Walker DC. is a website community devoted to these progressive healthcare providers, their patients and the general public. Its goal is to provide the community with useful, current information on Chirodontics, health and health care. 

While Chirodontics is applicable to many different healthcare situations or concerns, it is especially useful in the treatment of chronic complaints, and invaluable in treating conditions like TMJ dysfunction, Headaches and Cranio-facial pain syndromes.  Chirodontics is also essential for those practitioners involved in Cranial Manipulation techniques of any type, as well as those involved in any form of Dental Orthopedics and Orthodontics.  If you are a Chiropractor, Dentist, Osteopath, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Psychologist, Medical Doctor or therapist of any kind, Chirodontics offers you a healthcare model in which you can do your very best work.

So, whether you are a Doctor, patient, or just passing through, welcome to our site.

Chirodontics® presents a challenge to the current concepts of traditional healthcare. Dr Walker has built some of the most important intellectual bridges of the 20th century in the understanding of the human body. He has explored its interactive nature and developed a complete system of treatment, involving the areas of Body mechanics, Dental Orthopaedics Cranial Manipulation and Clinical Nutrition.

Dr. Walker has a special talent for making this information easy to learn and apply in your daily office protocols. His system of Chirodontics® is your window of opportunity to quickly access and utilize this body of knowledge and the most comprehensive health care paradigm.

To learn more about Chirodontics, please visit our courses page.